Which year aby will star wars episode 9
Which year aby will star wars episode 9

Plot: Princess Leia disguises herself to save Han Solo but is caught by Jabba the Hutt. Lando switches sides and promises to help Luke rescue Han, who’s been handed to giant slug/Mafia boss Jabba the Hutt. But he’s able to telepathically communicate with Leia, and she saves him. He fights Vader, loses a hand, finds out Vader is his father, rejects Vader’s offer to rule the galaxy with him, and falls down an airshaft. Luke, sensing his friends are in trouble, runs to their rescue. Han is about to be frozen in carbonite when Leia says, “I love you,” to which he replies, “I know.” What a jerk. Meanwhile, Leia and Han make out, escape a space slug and meet up with Han’s old friend Lando Calrissian. Luke then flies to an even less pleasant planet, this one a swamp world, where he trains under Jedi Master Yoda to be a Jedi. Han finds him and shoves him inside a dead camel-like animal for warmth. Plot: Luke is captured by an alien Yeti-type thing on a snowy planet, escapes, and then passes out. Luke, Han and Leia escape, and Luke later destroys the Death Star with the Rebellion. Obi-Wan fights Darth Vader and lets him win. (Why the trash monster doesn’t get crushed by the trash compactor multiple times a day remains a mystery.) Han and Leia bicker in the way that would mean they hate each other in real life but love each other in the movies. They go to save the princess and during the breakout, Han, Luke and Leia get stuck in a trash compactor with a trash monster. The two hire Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca to fly them in their junky ship, the Millennium Falcon. Conveniently, when they return to Luke’s home, Luke discovers his entire family’s been murdered. Obi-Wan tries to recruit Luke to save Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) and recover the stolen plans to the Death Star, but Luke says he has family obligations. Plot: Luke (Mark Hamill) accidentally acquires a droid with a message from a captured, pretty princess asking for help from Obi-Wan, Luke’s old neighbor who turns out to be a Jedi. Obi-Wan and Yoda decide to split the twins up, so Leia gets to go live in the lap of luxury while Luke is sent to a pit in the desert. So does Padme as she gives birth to twins. All the Jedi, save Obi-Wan and Yoda, die. (That’s six missing limbs and counting in this series.) Darth Vader is saved and gets a snazzy suit. Obi-Wan cuts off all of Darth Vader’s limbs and leaves him a torso burning up in a river of lava. He also chokes his wife using the Force-you know, the wife he was trying to save by becoming a Sith. He takes the name “Darth Vader” and becomes very evil-like, murdering a bunch of angel-faced baby Jedi padawans evil. Since Anakin has been having visions of Padme dying during childbirth, the whole “turn evil to save his wife’s life” thing sounds pretty good.

Which year aby will star wars episode 9 how to#

Palpatine uses the opportunity to drop hints to Anakin that he knows how to stave off death. Plot: The Jedi Council orders Anakin to spy on Chancellor Palpatine. MORE Here’s Everything We Already Know About Star Wars: The Last Jedi Here’s where all the movies all fit on the fictional timeline and (spoiler alert!) summaries of the plots for those who have forgotten what’s happened so far. Events that take place before that battle are called BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), those after ABY (After the Battle of Yavin). Star Wars fans measure time in the universe relative to the Battle of Yavin, the clash that led to the destruction of the first Death Star in A New Hope. The events of the film fit right into the middle of the Star Wars timeline, which will get even more complicated with several planned sequels and spinoffs hitting theaters in the coming years.

which year aby will star wars episode 9

Rogue One is set just before A New Hope and introduces an entirely new cast of characters-Rebel spies who set out to steal the plans to the Death Star. It’s the first standalone Star Wars story that doesn’t fit directly in the Darth Vader-Luke-Rey storyline. Is Rogue One a sequel? A prequel? A spinoff? The answer is yes-to all of the above.

Which year aby will star wars episode 9